1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

Is marriage really made in heaven? March 25, 2012

Five years back, being still newly married (2 years) I wrote an article MARRIAGE: MADE IN HEAVEN. At that time I was delighted about being married and enjoyed every bit of it. Here are some abstracts from the post, but please do read the full version.

“Guess why somebody’s marriage gets people around so excited? Why a wedding ceremony is regarded as the most beautiful celebration in all the cultures, among all the nations? Even though the voices for “free love” are rising high, We can not cheat the collective consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness of humanity – the institution of marriage is obviously not human, it is DIVINE…  


Second brain

The common mistake of modern times (as we are being well brain-washed) is that  it is the heart that shows you your life-partner. Very seldom it is the case. Naturally it should not be the heart, but actually your stomach! The key word s of a married life are sustenance, wellbeing, satisfaction, home – referring to our subtle centers they all belong to the 3rd one, in the middle of a body. Scientifically seen it is a place of a “second brain” as well. Meeting your life partner you should feel very comfortable in your stomach. Relaxed. Safe…  


And the love? It can come later… In fact the true love always comes later! It is so easy to fall in love with many people (happens to me all the time as I love people, every single soul is such a precious treasure, diamond flower!)… People are made by and for love. For loving each other, all of us. Only when it gets romantic, it is very misleading and confusing – and the folk’s wisdom calls it “falling” in love. In the western society where people believe in love-marriage we have up to 60% divorces! – A good sign of the reliability of this concept.


Blossoming out 

Last but not least indicator is your appearance. Our true being always shines (or darkens) through: no way to hide anything behind make up or smart clothing! Naturally after getting married to the right person you will find yourself blossoming out even physically. (more…)


my reflections on facebook December 15, 2009

Two years back I posted “how many bloggers use Facebook” saying that real bloggers don’t need Facebook and it’s a waste of time :). Either Facebook has developed itself to the best, or I have changed my ways, but somehow or rather I started appreciating Facebook. In fact, I found out how much fun and use it can be! By now I have about 620 friends (not everyone I know in person though) and that is not the limit for me. I love to watch this sea of souls communicating and sharing… fascinating!!

Here are my Facebook goodies:

1. It is a brilliant manifestation of collective intelligence: sharing and supporting each other gets easier for people, even if they don’t really know each other. I belive it is Facebook that made the breakthrough into collective online awareness – not everyone is a born blogger and blogging is a job after all :)… but everyone can make a step into the online life through Facebook.

2. New virtual friendships establish themselves probably even easier than through blogging – and then, online leads to offline! When i started using Facebook, I only wanted to have my real life friends there. But soon other people (mutual  friends, etc.) joined in and I realised how much fun it can be to meet and get to know better people with whom you would probably never met otherwise (not only because of the distance, but also because of differences in background and interests).

3. An interesting phenomenon: with some people whom I hardly know offline and kind of rediscover online – we can have a very intense Facebook connection, however it does not lead to its offline manifestation. Even if we meet then (occasionally),  it never comes to the Facebook intensity…I have 3-4 examples already. Any idea why? (more…)


Visiting Germany September 5, 2009

Filed under: blogging,personal,thoughts,Travel — axinia @ 11:16 am
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For a reason unknown I have to come to Germany every September/October. It’s really strange, because it is always a different reason, but I am again there!

What is even stranger, that although it is getting cold, I really like going to Germany at this time of a year. Actually I don’t mind any kind of weather 🙂 But Autumn is something very special for me. And it feels good to be in good old western Europe at this moment…

I am off to Berlin for some days and will post again on Tuesday.

As usual, will be back with fresh impressions and pictures for you!

LOVE, axinia


How many Indigo Children do you know? August 31, 2009


I was asking myself if I should post about Indigo Children or not…Finally I decided to do so, for I believe this information might help some of my readers to understand their own nature and behaviour better.

Indigo children is a New Age concept developed by Nancy Anne Tappe describing children who are alleged to possess special traits or abilities. The concept was initially developed in the 1970s, gaining popular interest with the publication of a series of books in the late 1990s and the release of several films in the following decade. Beliefs about indigo children range from their being the next stage in human evolution, possessing paranormal abilities, to the belief that they are simply more empathetic and creative than their non-indigo peers. There is no science or studies that give credibility to the existence or traits of indigo children. Many children labeled “indigo” are diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

When I first came across this theory a year ago (too late!) I realised that it explains absolutely everything in my behaviour, especially in my childhood.

What is an indigo Child?

  • They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
  • They have a feeling of “deserving to be here,” and are surprised when others don’t share that.
  • Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents “who they are.”
  • They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
  • They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
  • They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don’t require creative thought.
  • They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like “system busters” (nonconforming to any system).
  • They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
  • They will not respond to “guilt” discipline (“Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did”).
  • They often posses some “paranormal” abilities.
  • They are aware of their mission of saving the world and they are sometimes too serious about it.

These children are often the older new children. They are rebellious, and want things done their way. They have new ideas and are here to bring down the old systems of thinking and doing on this planet. It is their mission. They are also here to make the planet safe for the more sensitive Crystal children to come in. They are often considered to have “warrior spirits”. They have unique gifts, high intelligence, remarkable spirituality, strong intuition, and intense willpower. As for physical characteristics, they have what are often called “old soul” eyes. They have deep eyes that are “grown-up” and full of wisdom. Indigo’s are commonly misdiagnosed as having ADD. This does not mean that every child with ADD is an Indigo child.

When I’ve read some sites on it (unfortunately often too esoteric), I just realised that is about me! (more…)


Blogging off for 10 days August 13, 2009

I will be on vacation away from Internet and yes, away from many of you my dearest readers. I will miss you! – my photo says it well I think :).

I promise to bring you a fresh bunch of lovely pictures from the most beautiful and relaxing places I will visit…

Big hug to everyone and see you soon!

LOVE, axinia

(image by Natalya Andreeva)


Mad Professor blogging: a foreigner in Bollywood June 1, 2009

 (Arno, image taken by me)

Arno Krimmer, a great friend of mine has ventured to leave Austria, his beautiful and comfortable motherland for… India. In Dec 2003 he made India his home and after teaching for 3 years in a school in the Lower Himalayas he became the first foreign Professor at the Film & TV Institute of India (“Bollywood Academy”) and is presently one of the few foreigners working in the Hindi film industry.

Due to his deep interest in Indian heritage and western educational background Arno has gained a unique perspective und insight into the modern Indian film. Every time we meet, I enjoy his analysis of the Indian and world-film industry as well as captivating stories about his life and encounter with interesting personalities of modern India. Every time I visit him in India, I wish I could follow his example and move to this magnetic place on Earth… who knows, may be one day?…

But today let me introduce you two Arno`s blogs. He blogs under the name “Mad Professor”:


The author reviews films less known and less promoted abroad, but nevertheless or maybe especially because of that highly recommendable. This blog will also take a look on big blockbusters, but without intending full coverage on all releases, it rather desires to present  films with a difference.

Here Mad Professor gives a balanced overview and his personal rating. I can only add that I try to follow his advice and by now all the recent Indian films I watched have been recommended to me by Arno and I enjoyed them immensely. (more…)


On holidays April 30, 2009

Filed under: blogging,communication,жизнь,personal — axinia @ 9:15 am
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Hi everybody,

I am on holidays abroad and will not be posting for 5 days. Hope to bring you fresh photos and impressions from…one beautiful country 🙂

In case you will miss me a bit, there is one photo of me which I never posted before (from my last holidays):

LOVE, axinia


INDIA – the destination of my spirit February 19, 2009

Filed under: blogging,India,personal,spirituality,thoughts,Travel,women — axinia @ 10:50 pm
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India… once again… the highest spiritual delight and absolute point of attraction…

I am visiting India for one week, so will not be blogging for this period.

Will be back with a fresh photo-album and new impressions  for my dearest readers!

LOVE, axinia


Brainwash: how do they do it with you February 12, 2009

I ran into the topic of Propaganda on one Russian site  – the Encyclopedia of Propaganda (here) and was taken aback by the baldness of the facts and methods. My first reactions was – everone should read that!! Unfortunately I could not find such a detailed information in English, but will try to quote some important moments here.

Propaganda is generally an appeal to emotion, contrasted to an appeal to intellect. It shares techniques with advertising and public relations. Propaganda, in a narrower use of the term, connotes deliberately false or misleading information that supports or furthers a political (but not only) cause or the interests of those with power.

Propaganda has been a human activity as far back as reliable recorded evidence exists. Today we call it brainwash –the name that reveals the true nature of this phenomenon.

Common media for transmitting propaganda messages include news reports, government reports, historical revision, junk science, books, leaflets, movies, radio, television, and posters. In the case of radio and television, propaganda can exist on news, current-affairs or talk-show segments, as advertising or public-service announce “spots” or as long-running advertorials. A number of techniques based in social psychological research are used to generate propaganda. Many of these same techniques can be found under logical fallacies, since propagandists use arguments that, while sometimes convincing, are not necessarily valid.

Below are some of the typical brainwash techniques: (more…)


Will crisis boost blogosphere? February 9, 2009

image by axinia

Everyone seems to blog… everyone?? No, there is still a great potential for blogging to spread around the Earth – and the great current crisis seem to be the driving force.

The print media business is experiencing serious difficulties and the readers switch to the online media. And  – suddenly they find themselves slipping into the blogosphere. Once tasted blog-reading one can hardly leave it. The authentical experiences of people taste crunchy and one gets easily addicted. One becomes a blog-reader and then one day, at some point one finds  himself/herself blogging!

Being the cheapest and most authentic form of information services, blogging will definitely boost this year.

 At least some positive  outcome of the crisis. 

