1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

The Rose of the World – my review November 17, 2009

The Rose of the World by Daniel Andreev is a unique and poetic cosmological treatise passionately written out of personal experience. It offers a prophetic call for the spiritual reunification of all people and an open and harmonious relationship among the great world religions. For Daniel Andreev, whose mystic revelations are often compared with those of Dante and William Blake, the Rose of the World is a spiritual flower whose roots are in heaven: each petal is a unique image of the great world religions and cultures, and the whole flower is their joint co-creation with God.

Roza Mira (full title in Russian: Роза Мира. Метафилософия истории, literally The Rose of the World. The Metaphilosophy of History), that was written in the fifties of the 20th century gives a unique and fresh view on the history and future of mankind. The uniqueness of this perspective its intellectual brilliance combined with a deeply spiritual insight…

According to Roza Mira, there are no contradictions between different religions, because they tell about different aspects of spiritual reality, or about the same things in different words. Daniil Andreev compares different major religions to different paths leading to one and the same mountain peak (which is God). Andreev names five world religions, he believes in the Trinity of God, but the third hypostasis, instead of being the Holy Spirit, is claimed to be the Eternal Femininity. (which is by the way, one and the same thing to me personally).

Beautiful vision, isn’t it? The more so, Andreev also tired to give a solution how exactly this could work out!  However I can’t say I was delighted about the book. Why?

This book is  the most contradictory of all books I have read in the last 10 years. The contradiction for me lies  in the fact that one and the same book has some highly vibrational pieces and some that can block one’s mental level completely. When I read some pages I feel the author was a true saint of a rare caliber. However at some points his visions not only lack vibrations, but I would not recommend to read them at all…The reason for that “quality variety” may lay in the different methods by which Andreev obtained his knowledge and visions. Some of them were probably from the supraconsious site. Whatever it is, I would like to share with you my impressions.

What did I like  in the book?

  • author’s insights into highest spiritual feelings like ONENESS with the whole Universe (like the one I quoted here).
  • role and functions of the Rose of the World as a global ethically-spiritual leader of the world (beyond politics and economics)
  • “Missions” – an outstanding analysis of some Russian poets and writes, actually the best analysis I have ever read
  • Meta-historical analysis  of Russian and world history, from a spiritual perspective – an awesome overview, unique of this kind
  • New Education – the methods and ways of educating a person of new era, spiritually equiped, highly developed personality, a human being of tomorrow (this part I loved the most, for the reasons given here).

 What I did not like (had a strong tension in ym head reading that, which is a bad sign):

  • all his “visions” of Hell and Heaven which Andreev got in some kind of astral trips. even thought it is interesting to read, it just gave me very bad vibrations. Luckily enough, vibrations can make a reality check much better than any intellect 🙂
  • advent of Antichrist, who will come actually after the Golden Age (although it does not feel right, the descrtiption of Antichrist activities is in a ways similar to what we can happening now in our daily lives!)

Despite some disappointment, I would still love to share with you my favourite quotes from The Rose fo the World in the upcoming posts. There are some absolute gems in there!

LOVE, axinia


14 Responses to “The Rose of the World – my review”

  1. Theodore Says:

    Beautiful imagery of a rose with roots in heaven and each petal being a religion, or a path to God. I agree, that all religions offer a path to the same source. It is up to us to see what path we are attracted to, wether its one of an established religion or not. Sounds like an interesting book, though I too am not that fond of “visions” of Hell 🙂

  2. Very interesting review, Axinia, and that picture looks beautiful 🙂

    Fascinating as Andreev’s spiritual visions are, I think he’s going down the old and failed path of looking at religions to provide spiritual salvation 😐

    Let’s face it, the concept of religion is a primitive idea by itself and the more visionaries like Andreev look towards religions to help humankind in its spiritual journey, the more they get themselves entagled in the web of primitivity that religions are 😐

    How can there be no contradictions between religions 😕 They not only contradict each other massively, but most of them are self-contradictory as well! If there is one area where they don’t contradict each other, it has to be the fact that they demand their followers to be blind believers having absolute faith in their primitive tenets 😐

    • axinia Says:

      Raj, I know you would not agree. But this is the only possible evolutionary way of humanity – to undergo a collective spiritual transformation. Do you see any other way?

      However, I can see from where your dissaspointment comes from. At the present state of religions no unification is possible, we all can see it clearly. Unless and untill people stop holding to blind faith and mental concepts, they will not be able to feel the oneness of the whole.

      Judging by my 20 year seeking history and 14 years of Sahaj experiences, I can see no other possibility than through self-realisation for people to become one, to evelove in masses. All other teachings and spiritual practices, even if they also speak of union, they do not let one FEEL/PERCEPT it. Whatever is a mental concept, will remain a mental concept and gradually, it will melt down or collaps.

      Interestingly, Daniil Andreev also speaks about the necessity of a strong spiritual EXEPERIENCE and a possibility to ascent only by this. He also claims that the blind faith as it has been practiced so far will not lead us anywhere.

      • He also claims that the blind faith as it has been practiced so far will not lead us anywhere.

        That’s for sure, Axinia 😐 Most “holy books” actually contain disguised hate literature. Instead of helping humanity, religions would only take the world back to the mediaeval dark ages of ignorance and barbarism.

        But this is the only possible evolutionary way of humanity – to undergo a collective spiritual transformation.

        Despite your high hopes, chances of a collective spiritual transformation are about one in a billion 😐 Humanity has to collectively civilise itself and it isn’t quite capable of this in the first place. For even if one part of humanity civilises itself, hordes of uncivilised ones will bring it down immediately. This has been the case throughout history and the present. It really is like water in interconnected jars. The rapidly overbreeding hordes will neither civilise themselves, nor will they allow others to evolve. It usually results in a race to the bottom.

        • Ankur Says:

          All is full of love. =)

          • All is full of love.


            I really don’t understand how all you good folks who claim that “all is full of love” and “love is the currency of the world” are able to draw such conclusions 😕

            Unless the word “love” has acquired a funny and twisted 😈 new meaning, I don’t see how this becomes possible.

            Is it because a saint said something like that? Now, as I understand that saint (and many others) went about preaching love. If “all is full of love”, then why did they go about preaching love? It sounds like shining a torch at the Sun 🙂

            Why did another saint called Jesus say, “Love thy neighbour as thyself” 😕 If “all is full of love”, then doesn’t it sound silly to ask people to love their neighbours as they were supposedly overflowing with love in the first place 😕

            Let’s face it, as much as we wish and dream, humans are NOT full of love and love has NEVER been the currency of the world! 😐

            • axinia Says:

              they are ineed not full of love, at least the humans are not aware of that.

              But here, my dear Raj, we are in the realm of personal experiences and perception, which cannot be discussed.

        • Avdhut Says:

          ‘Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’. The good news is you don’t have to go even one mile, just look inside yourself and start from there 🙂 Like you say, one jug over flowing into another. The greatest thing a person can do is show that the water,far from being a menace, is essential to life. Such is Love with regard to human evolution IT’S YOUR CHOICE.

      • Avdhut Says:

        ‘Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’. The good news is you don’t have to go even one mile, just look inside yourself and start from there 🙂 Like you say, one jug over flowing into another. The greatest thing a person can do is show that the water,far from being a menace, is essential to life. Such is Love with regard to human evolution IT’S YOUR CHOICE.

    • Avdhut Says:

      Religion is a word that means TO RECONNECT. It is also a process whereby some one tries to understand and regulate themselves and their existence.
      Some efforts in that direction have been better than others. At the endo fthe dayit’s a question of personal choice and wether the choices one makes lead to Love or hatred. Ultimately one realises that love is the truth that we require in order to be spiritual, and that this love exists, even if only in a potential state, in everything. It’s what you choose.

  3. seeker2008 Says:

    I have enjoyed your blog always silently, but I have decided to put a quote and add a comment of my own.

    First the quote:

    You are a Christian because you believe in Jesus. You are a Jew because you believe in all the prophets including Moses. You are a Muslim because you believe in Mohammed as a prophet. You are a Sufi because you believe in the universal teachings of God’s love. You are really none of those, but you are all of those because you believe in God. And once you believe in God, there is no religion. Once you divide yourself off with religion, you are separated from your fellow man.” – Bawa Muhaiyadden

    As for my comment, I can say that what is called love on the path is the most intimate of experiences. When the sufis or any mystic says all is love it is an experience that once has on the way not so much an idea. There is a realm of being or experience that goes beyond the duality of externals, of good folk and bad folk.

    The following words have been taken from The Way of the Sufi “Love is a Way to Truth, to Knowledge and to action. But only those who know of real love can approach these things by means of love the others have misunderstood certain other feelings for those of real love.”

    ya haqq!

  4. axinia Says:

    thank you Dave, the comments from silent readers are special, I am so glad you shared your thoughts here!

    I can see you are also so fond of Sufism as me…

    • seeker2008 Says:


      I think I have to be reall fond of it as I am a dervish learning to struggling to be a sufi one day :-). I always happy to share with you what of my experience I can.


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