1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

From fatherly to motherly love February 11, 2014

Filed under: thoughts — axinia @ 3:17 pm

image by axinia

Back in 2007 I wrote a post called “ A Woman with fatherly love” where I described the demanding nature of my love. I would love people but not unconditionally, I had only one but serious condition: a person must be willing to grow. At that time I also realised that I totally lack compassion and I thought this would be a life-long task for me to work it out.

However the beauty of a personal growth is such that things develop even without any special attention on that. Never ever have I done any special treatment to training for compassion. I was convinced that is something too deep to be able to train. At some point I realised that I managed to obtain it! Recently I noticed that my attitude to people has changed a lot. I started loving people unconditionally, regardless their depth or desire to grow. Just excepting any one as he/she is. My fatherly love was transformed into the motherly love, almost unknowingly for myself…

Obvisouly the reason of me physically becoming a mother has contributed a lot to that, but I think it started even earlier. May be it is the wisdom and maturity which a person gains with years…Whatever it is, I am so grateful I can experience and enjoy that tremendous unconditional love!



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