1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

Job world: why it’s so difficult to find a really good employee? March 3, 2010

 How many excellent teachers, doctors, salesman, secretaries, IT manager, cleaners, cooks, designers do you know? I bet very, very few. It’s damn hard to find a good worker, of any kind.

Since I am in the recruitment/Human Resources field, this question puzzles me a lot: why only few people are becoming true dedicated professionals in their area? Why are so many just mediocre performers?

Can it be that mostly people are just in the wrong jobs? And if it is so then why are they not trying to find the right one? Can it be that for some people it is just not important? (this I doubt, but who knows..)

Anyone knows the answer?

LOVE, axinia (image by me)


52 Responses to “Job world: why it’s so difficult to find a really good employee?”

  1. Alenok Says:

    You can only be good at something if you love to do it. Many people simply don’t know what they want to do, or if they do know, they don’t believe their wish can be fulfilled. One of the main reasons lays in the ways people spend their early childhood – first five years of life. This is the age when people are supposed to learn that they can wish for anything and their wish can be fulfiilled. They are being denied very simple and natural things – constant closenes to mother, brestfeeding for as long as they want, parents’ undivided attention. They are put in strollers, separate bedrooms, day care centers. They protest loudly at first, but eventually many just give up and stop wishing, become “good” kids. The very word “job” becomes associated with something that separates them form the parents, something that parents “have to do” and not associated at all with fulfilling a dream. Later, kids go to school where no one asks them what they whant to learn or to do – they are constantly being told what to do – for whole ten years! So it’s no wonder that after all that only few people still believe in fulfilling their dreams. Everybody else just choose a job that they can hold for a while and just do what they are told for the rest of their lives. Until, of course, some of them realize that they are still in power to do what they really want.

    • axinia Says:

      Alenok, thank you. You are right, it all starts with the childhood….we learn to think in the box.
      On the other hand, a child may not be knowing what he/she wants to do, simple because it is still unaware of the huge existing range of professions (and even the non-yet-existing future professions!).

      As for myself, I never knew what I should do, even my high school was not my choice but of my parents. And even now, being a really good HR manager (i am quite talented in recrutiing, they say), I know this is not the limit. I know I will be able to manage even more complex tasks and can have an even more fulfilling job later…
      So how do we know?

      • Alenok Says:

        Educating ourselves and kids about different job possibilities is an important point. Mostly by the time people need to choose a profession, they are only aware of a few obvious choises – those that they personally saw in their lives: their parent’s and relatives professions, a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, a cook, an artist, a salesperson… We need to figure out not only best of our skills, but also an area to apply them.
        This has been one of the main searches of my life. I was always in awe of people who “just know”. Like my husband, who had a passion for physics, and this passion took him from a village school in the middle of nowhere to the best high school in Kiev that specialized in physics and math, then to MFTI and finally to Harvard. Now he quit all that and specializes in numizmatics with equall passion and success.
        I am personally being torn between my logical and artistic sides. I am mathematician by education, and currently do data analysis, but I wish I could find a better application for that then finance. I am also a passionate photographer and haven’t quite given up an idea of doing it professionally… But I enjoy this journey because I learn lots of life lessons on the way.
        How do we know? – by being in touch with what we love to do and continue believing that anything is possible. That is something that I started cultivating in myself relatively recently, because I realized how many fears prevent me form fulfilling my dreams or realizing what my dreams are.

  2. Andrew Says:

    I think it’s the system’s problem. People are trained to be obedient and support the status quo – that’s what their credentials prove, whether they are doctors or lawyers or plumbers – and so they become very good at that, but it’s not really in their job description to do what they do with love and passion and excellence.


  3. mirel Says:

    how many truly dedicated compassionate HR professionals/teams do you know? ….crucial for both employers and would be employees!

  4. swaps Says:

    I wake up to see pigeons on my balcony engaged in courtship… in the evening, they are still at it. At office, bee eaters and swifts are busy in acrobatics (that is, feeding) … parrots are noisy as usual. Squirrels just cannot stop running!! The last teakwood leaves give up and languidly glide to ground … while the first spring blossoms appear, elsewhere. Even a snake appears in sunlight, lost in hot chase after a rat. Four new puppies are taking their first steps… close to their scrawny mother. And for the nth time a kingfisher eludes my camera 😦 I feel like an alien here…working.

    • axinia Says:

      My Goodness, swaps, how poetic!!!…
      I see now why you love Vova more than me – he is the same admierer of nature 🙂

      BTW, it was one of the best comments I have ever got. Hats off! 🙂

      • swaps Says:

        Alas, Vova and I are separated by this language barrier 😦

        Axinia, I believe we all must remain close to nature… this one rule we cannot afford to break.

        • axinia Says:

          Swaps, nature is very much important, and we should never break that connection! however as for me I noticed one thing…I love people more than nature! all what you described when you watch nature – I enjoy the same whay watching people, can you imagine! People are such fascinating creatures…

    • Swaps dear, the good old poets of England/Scotland who enthralled us with their lovely poems about nature would be proud of you!

      On an other note, what a work environment you have! I bet your office can improve productivity by leaps and bounds if they decide to implement a work flow that is in tune with the wonderful surroundings that you have!


  5. Princess Says:

    i think it is because most of them stop following their dreams and settle for a mediocre job 😦

    follow your dreams no matter what, i am trying to do it all the time 😀 and m damn sure it will come true.

    • swaps Says:

      Good luck!

    • axinia Says:

      hi princess, thanks for the comment!

      I believe there are no mediocre jobs…all jobs are good and important, and even the cleaning staff, you know how important it can be?!?

      It is important to fulfill ones’ talents and mission, but this can be really anything, not necessarily a special creative job.

  6. Thought provoking post, Axinia! 🙂 Why is it difficult to find a good employee?

    A few possible reasons, according to me:

    ➡ The really, I mean truly talented/skilled/experienced ones are fairly few in number and are expensive to hire even if they can be found. Also, since they generally know their worth, the ones with so much such talent/skill/experience may prefer to work for themselves instead of waiting for HR managers to “identify” their ability, which many recruiters simply cannot do. I say this as a former HR person myself 😐

    ➡ The HR departments of many organisations are crappy. Come to think of it, HR as a field itself is primitive, unprecise and about as modern as a solid wooden wheel. Selecting a person for a job is not like buying a bar of chocolate! Talent/skill/dedication/abilities are never as obvious as the nutritional information found on the cover of an edible item, though experience is.

    ➡ People generally don’t like to “work”, they like to “play”. A person who naturally enjoys or is passionate about the work that he/she is doing, would obviously do a better job than one who is in it only for the money/benefits. Again, it’s something like genuine romantic love, as opposed to a drudging breeding contract 😉

    ➡ Talent is of different kinds and is not easily quantifiable. For instance, some people may be supremely creative and with a natural (almost inborn) talent that is astounding, yet they may lack some other attributes. Others may not have much creative flamboyance, yet they may be brutally efficient, consistent and methodical. It’s like the difference between the Brazilian and German styles of playing soccer 🙂

    ➡ A really good employee, like a true friend, is akin to a precious diamond. If an organisation is lucky enough to find one, they should be prepared to go to great lengths to keep such a person and reward him/her suitably. Unfortunately, that is not the case, especially with the HR people 😉 They seldom realise the worth of a good employee. For most of them, an employee is just a number on the rolls, which their pea-brains think can be replaced as easily as a part on a machine. I seen cases where the boss was unwilling to let an employee in his team quit, since he understood their worth and knew it would be very difficult to find a replacement for such a skilled person. But due to shabby treatment from the pea-brains in the HR department, the organisation lost a few irreplaceable employees.

    ➡ I know you may not agree, but the system is not what one could say “capitalist” enough 🙂 In an ideal capitalist system, as opposed to the corrupt pseudo “free market capitalist” filth that we have, human talent would follow a demand supply scenario. Talent would be freely available as long as there is demand for it in such a system.

    ➡ And last, but not the least, again it boils down to the pea-brained organisations and their “talent destroyers” a.k.a. HR people 😉 As opposed to the “talent spotting” they are supposed to do, all they do can be termed at best as “CV sifting”, “experience spotting” and “cost cutting”. Imagine what would happen if sports teams decide to let HR people do the recruitment for them 😯 With the absence of talented people entering them, all sports would die a natural death in such a scenario 😦 It isn’t a wonder that sports teams NEVER use HR folks in recruitment 😉

    Again, no offence meant to you or other HR folks, Axinia, as I was one myself previously.


    • mirel Says:

      dear Raj…..you are a unique person, you know! i really do appreciate your honesty, your well articulated comments. believe me, you’re definitely not an ‘alien earthling’, not alone! but…..(continued in my second reply below)

    • axinia Says:

      Raj, got your point! thank you!

      I know that generally the role of HR is underestimated and here, as in other sphere of life we lack dedicated professionals. So basically, HR or anybody else, it makes no difference. The question remain the same: WHY ARE EXELLENT PERFORMERS are so rare?…

      I think I will wait a bit for more comments and make another post with the ideas that came up on this topic…

      • Why are excellent performers so rare?

        Hmmm… Axinia, they are rare BECAUSE they are excellent! 🙂 Imagine what would happen if everybody was excellent? Then the word excellence would simply lose its meaning! Excellence would begin to mean ordinary, average, run-of-the-mill etc. if everybody was excellent 😐

        It’s the deep chasm between quality and quantity. Quality vs. quantity is a difficult enough situation when it comes to products. In such cases, quality and quantity are inversely proportional to a certain extent. Though difficult, it is not impossible to overcome this rule. The Japanese, for instance, are very good at the art and science of churning out large quantities of high quality products.

        However, when it comes to humans, quality and quantity are highly inversely proportional to each other and it’s highly improbable that this rule can be overcome. What do you think is responsible for the civilised societies being civilised and the uncouth ones being semi-civilised? Among other things, the human quality vs. quantity factor has an important role to play.

        There are two ways in which the great evolutionary game of Mother Nature works:

        1) The quality route – this applies to the more civilised societies. Civilised societies believe in producing fewer numbers of offspring, but concentrate on turning them into quality humans through proper parenting, education, healthcare, training etc. etc. The average fertility rate of the civilised societies is usually at or below the replacement level of 2.11 children per woman, with some of them reaching dangerously low levels. This is what one can call the qualitative approach to human evolution – produce fewer numbers but concentrate on their quality. That’s why human life is worth more in the civilised societies as well. This results in societies rapidly civilising themselves over a short period of time and human evolution takes place on a finger scale (say 4/10 or 5/10) and this keeps increasing with every generation.

        2) The quantity route – this applies to the less civilised and least civilised societies. Semi-civilised societies believe in this logic:

        Breed them, even if you cannot feed ’em!
        And don’t stop once you’ve bred ’em.
        Breed some more of ’em,
        Even if you don’t need ’em!

        Needless to say, with the average fertility rate in the semi-civilised societies ranging between a quarter dozen to two dozens per woman even in this 21st century, the quality of humans raised in semi-civilised societies goes for a massive toss as they struggle to provide proper parenting, education, healthcare, training etc. etc. to the swarming hordes that enter an already overcrowded, regressive society. This is called the quantitative approach to human evolution. Though human life is worth very little in the uncouth societies, evolution still takes place because of the sheer numbers that keep popping out. It’s like evolution on a lottery scale (say 4/10000 or 5/10000) and it remains the same for decades and centuries. No wonder then, that some societies are still caught in the mediaeval ages as is evident from their belief in primitive things and uncouth systems.


  7. While talent may be difficult to find in all societies, Axinia, the civilisational levels of a society affect the availability of talent to a very large extent.

    In the civilised societies of the world, that are egalitarian, meritocratic and with unlimited socio-economic mobility, talented persons can be easily picked up as long as one knows how to look for them.

    By contrast, in the filthy, sub-human “cultures” that plague the uncouth parts of the world, the rapidly overbreeding hordes happen to be severely challenged ethically and civilisationally. For instance, in some sub-human “cultures”, the barbaric, uncouth hordes still follow a despicable, contemptible excrement system from the Paleolithic times called the filthy caste system 👿 In such a despicable, sewery system that can make any civilised person recoil with disgust, the profession of the uncouth hordes that inhabit such a primitive, sub-human society is decided not by talent, nor by interest, nor by ability, but by birth.

    Yes, in the world’s most uncouth and sub-human system called the sewery caste system, a person’s profession was decided by the caste that he was born into. Of course, when I say he, I mean he and not he/she. For the pea-brained savages that follow the uncouth caste system, women were/are nothing more than lowly breeding machines, so the question of their profession does not arise. The savage hordes that follow the filthy caste system don’t have anything in their pea-brains that suggests civilised behaviour. With such an uncouth, sub-human system forming the basis of their filthy “culture”, it isn’t a wonder that those lowly, uncivilised places remain as primitive as sub-human societies that used stone tools.

    Had it not been for the modern, progressive, civilised education introduced from the West by the colonial government, large parts of the uncouth Indian sub-continent would have been as savage as a cave-dwelling society from the animal skin wearing, wooden club carrying ages.

    Thanks to the introduction of the modern education system by well-meaning officers of the colonial government, societies that were uncouth enough to follow a sewery system began to experience the benefits of civilised behaviour.

    More importantly, it had a massive effect indirectly. Persons who were educated by a modern, progressive system realised the uncouth, sub-human nature of their own despicable “cultural practices”. All the social reformers who attempted to get rid of the sub-human “cultural practices” of the uncouth Indian sub-continent happened to be educated in the new system introduced from outside.

    The unfortunate thing is, that for those primitive hordes that are well and truly uncouth, their pea-brains happen to be wired regressively 😦 That is, they are completely incapable of thinking in a civilised, ethical manner on their own. What’s more tragic is that they lack even the simple ability to copy the civilised behaviour from progressive societies, even in a global age characterised by the free sharing of ideas.


    • mirel Says:

      but…..why, do I wonder, do you focus your attention on the sub-human “cultures”, the barbaric, uncouth hordes most of the time!!! categorization, dividing the world into two hemispheres doesn’t bring any outcomes.
      i myself trying to re-establish myself. after long years of complaining about my motherland, my family and my close environment.
      you have so much to offer, I do believe. focus on yourself inside, your creativity, not on others or the past!!! you are the center of your own life, not primitive, sub-human society nor the civilised societies of the world!!!
      all the best

      • axinia Says:

        mirel, nice try :)))))))))))

        • mirel Says:

          frankly, I am struggling to achieve what I am preaching:)))))
          i want ‘rebellionist souls’ like me eventually succeed in our unique ways. thats all!

      • Dear Mirel, thanks for your kind words 🙂 I think “An alien Earthling” is a handle that fits me perfectly. Sure, I may not be the only one, but I’m certainly one of them 😐 Maybe, you are one as well!

        I keep mentioning the uncouth “cultures” and their barbaric practices because I believe that unless some drastic changes happen, the entire world will be reduced to such a scenario.

        With the population of the more civilised societies declining at a fast pace, the rapidly overbreeding hordes from the less civilised ones will reduce the entire world to mediaeval sphere sooner rather than later. In an interconnected world, the civilised societies have no way of keeping themselves insulated from the semi-civilised hordes that keep increasing exponentially.

        Globalisation was supposed to mean the free transfer of ideas so that the less civilised societies can learn from the model of the more civilised ones. If that had happened, the entire world would have been turned into one big civilised society. However it turned out to be entirely different. With the uncouth societies refusing to learn how to civilise themselves, the ideas never got transferred. Rather, it is the transfer of hordes that takes place as they have already exceeded the carrying capacity of their uncouth places and keep flowing out of them. Instead of gracefully adapting to the ways of their hosts, the hordes impose their own mediaeval ideas and uncouth way of life on them. In a short span of time, coupled with demographics, the entire world will become an uncouth place. That is what those who control the world want since it means they can maximise their profits through exploitation and expand their power as uncouth societies generally have masses of ignorant, boot-licking hordes.

        And no, I don’t think it can be changed by focussing within. It has to be changed by collective action, by creating awareness and working for it, even using force if absolutely necessary. In human history, bubble-dwelling has always been a form of escape, of avoiding a problem instead of tackling it. It has never worked at any point of time in achieving collective transformation and sadly, it never will 😦

        • mirel Says:

          its not like being ignoring ‘negative’ numbers: interestingly, the use of negative numbers was known in early India, and their role in situations like mathematical problems of debt was understood. The diffusion of this concept led the Arab intermediaries to pass it to Europe.[4]

          The ancient Indian Bakhshali Manuscript, which Pearce Ian claimed was written some time between 200 B.C. and A.D. 300,[6] while George Gheverghese Joseph dates it to about 400 AD and Takao Hayashi to no later than the early 7th century,[carried out calculations with negative numbers, using “+” as a negative sign.

          During the 7th century A.D., negative numbers were used in India to represent debts. The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta, in Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta (written in A.D. 628), discussed the use of negative numbers to produce the general form quadratic formula that remains in use today.
          During the 8th century A.D., the Islamic world learned about negative numbers from Arabic translations of Brahmagupta’s works, and by A.D. 1000 Arab mathematicians were using negative numbers for debts.

          In the 12th century A.D. in India, Bhaskara also gave negative roots for quadratic equations but rejected them because they were inappropriate in the context of the problem. He stated that a negative value is “in this case not to be taken, for it is inadequate; people do not approve of negative roots.”

          Knowledge of negative numbers eventually reached Europe through Latin translations of Arabic and Indian works….

          The illusion of separation has firmly established itself as a paradigm on Earth, and today dominates the consciousness
          As we continue to invest ourselves and to believe in this illusory state of duality, we serve to fortify and so perpetuate the matrix of separation into which we have been born. And as long as we continue to feed the dualistic matrix we can never transcend it, which is actually the spiritual goal of life.
          The sun is always there,
          but what is the purpose of the cloud?
          Because of the cloud, you have an urge to see the sun,
          which shines for a moment and again hides somewhere

          collective transformation starts with a single person…its about collaboration, contribution like we’re communicating/brainstroming our different standpoints on this blog platform
          we are free to think the way we feel…..thank you for your reply!
          best wishes

          • I’m not quite sure why you brought in negative numbers into this discussion 😕 Is it to highlight the fact that quadratic equations may have negative roots as well as positive ones, and it is all some kind of divine “duality”, the so-called “spiritual beauty”?

            Okay, then I’ll also try to put forth my case using the same terms:

            Let’s take the typical quadratic equation Ax^2+Bx+C=0

            where the discriminant, D=B^2-4*A*C

            Case (1) When D equals zero, there is only one root for the equation and it is a real number.

            Case (2) When D is positive, there are two roots, both may be negative, both may be positive, or one negative and the other positive. One must note that whether they are negative or positive, both roots are always real numbers.

            Case (3) When D is negative, the roots are complex numbers with a real part and an imaginary part written as M+Ni and M-Ni, where i^2=(-1)

            I guess you would like me to think that one must always ignore Cases (1) and (2) by considering only Case (3) and believe that life is always equivalent to complex numbers, with a real part and an imaginary part – in other words, the so-called “duality” of existing on a real plane as well as on an imaginary plane.

            Even after ignoring Cases (1) and (2) where there are ONLY real parts, you STILL want me to concentrate only on the imaginary part of Case (3) and ignore its real part by calling it a so-called “illusion”.

            The funny thing is, you brand the real part as an “illusion” while calling the imaginary part as a “spiritual transcendal state”, while it is actually the other way around! The imaginary part is the one that is non-real, fictious, delusional, non-existent and a figment of one’s imagination or in other words, illusional.

            Yes, the imaginary part is the actual illusion, and NOT the real one! The real one is the one that exists physically!

            Since mystics have incorrectly appropriated the word “illusion” to apply to the actual part that is real, I’m not going to use it.

            That’s why I prefer to use the word “bubble” to describe the imaginary part of the complex number that life can be!

            “Bubble-dwelling” is nothing but concentrating on the imaginary part of the complex number while ignoring the real part. As is obvious from the above example, “bubble-dwelling” is a non-existent, non-real, fictional state which nothing but a trick played on the mind by its own imagination.

            I know neither you nor Axinia will ever agree with me on this 😉 but as you mentioned, we are all free to think the way we feel.


            P.S.: By the way, your real name seems to be Nilufer. Then what does “mirel” mean 😕

            • mirel Says:

              take care!

              • Mirel means “take care” – in which language? Persian? Anyway, both Nilufer (I believe it means “water lily” in Persian) and Mirel sound very beautiful!


                • mirel Says:

                  you made me smile, thank you. happy you like the vibrations of my names! (by the way we are far awaaay form our discussion topic, my apologies to the editor-in-chief Axiniaaaa:))))
                  mirel means bitter in yiddish, rebellious in french…
                  in turkish, however, when you divide the word:
                  mir, as you know, a term denoted those leaders eligible to discuss and decide on communal affairs. ‘El’ means hand. Hence, mirel is a fair ruler who lends a helping hand, brings peace and prosperity to people….

  8. Dima Says:

    Raj, what do you do as a job?

  9. I discovered that an undesirable like me is unemployable, Dima 😦 as bosses simply hate rebels, even if they are dedicated and produce results. So I had no choice but to work for myself 🙂 After a few years spent slogging away for skinflint organisations that paid a pittance for long, tiring, boring hours of mainly desk-based drudgery, I decided to do something more creative and enjoyable. I run a micro-unit that makes and markets our own stuff.

    • axinia Says:

      Raj, even if you are very different form your surrponding, it does not necessarily mean you are “undesirable”!

      As you know I am not the mainstream either, but somehow I found the way not to loose my indentity and yet to live in harmony with the surrondings – the more so, I am very much “desirable” for many employers 🙂

  10. Alenok Says:

    It is a thought provoking post, thank you, Axinia – can’t stop thinking about it. Maybe being good at your job is really not at all about finding a perfect job description – maybe it’s an ability and willingnes to bring our best qualities at the job that we already have, and growing from there, from whithin. Same thing as with relationships – not trying to find “a perfect match” that is mostly product of our imagination, but learning to communicate with an actual human being…

    • axinia Says:

      we will continue the topic soon!

      tell me what you think of this:
      Лошадь и мельник.
      Жила-была лошадь, она носилась по зеленым лугам, бегала наперегонки с ветром и резвилась на воле.
      Но однажды ее поймал мельник и привел к себе на мельницу. Работать. Он заставил лошадь ходить по кругу, толкая жернова мельницы.
      Лошадь рвалась из упряжи, до крови рвалась назад, в прошлую жизнь. Но изменить ничего не могла.
      Мельник вечерами давал ей воду и еду, смазывал раны от упряжи мазью. И со временем лошадь смирилась.
      Прошли годы, состарившийся мельник заболел и решил продать мельницу. Он вывел лошадь на зеленый луг и отпустил на все четыре стороны.
      Но она уже не представляла себе другой жизни. Она долго стояла не шевелясь.
      А потом… опустила голову вниз и снова пошла по кругу…

      I know so many people who live this…:(

      • Alenok Says:

        Sadly, true…
        It almost happened to me once. I was that horse for whole tree years. Had to go all the way back to Kharkov, talked to my school teachers and old friends, and they reminded me who I am. So greatfull for them to be in my life…

  11. Lakia Says:

    First off, BEAUTIFUL photo!! This is so cool 🙂 Second, I second that… it’s very difficult to find loyal employees… thanks for sharing

  12. Triveni Says:

    Good one Axinia..
    Even i wonder the same thing many a times. if at all ppl were to all follow their interests and go ahead, probably there might not be so much frustration and negativity in their life. it is not enuf if a person just realises what he/she likes. The person should also have enuf courage to take the upstream. many a times we end up giving up on our dreams to accomodate our other neccesities in life. For eg, a person who is the sole bread earner of the family would hesitate to give up a good paying job (even if he hates it to the core) to pursue a job that doesnt pay him well but gives him immense satisfaction…
    and i absolutely loved swaps poem.. so beautiful. reminded me of the passions of my fiance – photography 🙂

  13. I always differ from others when I say this – But a job should not be even close to “comfortable”. It should be challenging to the core – only then one learns from it! I have felt that when we take up a profession that is tough for us, we learn a lot. I feel we dont learn much when we are inside the comfort zone. So, for this reason, I guess people should be dedicated in doing what ever they are doing – whether they like it or not. That way they will end up learning a lot.

    Destination Infinity

  14. Skills required to,

    1. Doing your job better
    2. Improving relationships etc
    3. Handling people – this helps both professionally and personally

    I think we ought to be efficient in whatever we do – and a dedicated attitude would help us achieve that faster. It is required very much in countries like India, for example.

    Destination Infinity

  15. mirel Says:

    learning on the job, dealing with new challenges thus breaking out of the comfort zone. okey truly necessary for the growth, otherwise life would be boring. Growth cant be forced and souldn’t be ‘uncomfortable’. It happens naturally
    When your work utilizes your natural talents and motivations, when your daily grind is helping to create what really matters to you in life, then you are on the right track.
    an innate satisfaction, genuine joy, good rapport team work!
    fortunately, I felt this way ONCE!!!
    my magical word: self-actualization at work!
    nomatterwhat, I still believe there are plenty good employees,
    I wish the same for employers:))))

    • axinia Says:

      mirel and DI, honestly I am making just the opposite experience right now!

      I am in a very confort zone now, deoing a beautiful job where I even do not feel taht I am working at all 🙂 It is sooooooooooo easy and confortable!! And yet, I am learning a lot, and my unerstading of human nature is increasing every day, even if I do not really have any challenges…it’s such a flow! not a struggle!! (i had a struggle in sales earlier!)…
      so how would you explain that?

      • Alenok Says:

        It’s a personality thing. Different people have different attitides towards new information and learning, and there are different learning styles. Also, learning very much depends on a subject, on how open we are to the knowledge in this particular area. On your job you learn something that you are deeply interested in, and it comes to you easily and with joy. Some people take every new peace of information as a stress, at least in certain areas, but again, many of them (especially men) do need this stress and enjoy most of it.

  16. mirel Says:

    my last note regarding the photo>giant pretzels!!! remind me of my part time job Vienna Christkindlmarkt while i was studying! taught me a lot and introduced me to amazing people…

  17. woww! what a marathon commentary ! :O)
    ok maybe people are just tired of the whole thing, they just want to have their realisation.

  18. mahesh chendake Says:

    It is for employee like me also difficult to find good employer. who will satisfy my needs and talents and allow me to grow in comfortable way without loosing their interest.
    It is a story of taker only. there is no giver.due to which both become unhappy and leave the hopes.
    personally I don’t believe on HR dept. I think these people neither satisfy employee nor employer. even many times they fail to hunt the talent.
    Our physics dept’s. HOD, once told a story of Dr. Jayant Naralikar,A famous Scientist. He, who refused to him for job of teacher in our college in our dept, in initial periods of Dr.Naralikar, who letter on become A great scientist and our sir remain as HOD forever.
    It is told by HR people only, in campus interview the students who they find better may not found better in further orientation program and in real working during probation but other who they think will not perform better may perform more than better.
    Most of the things are depend on attitude and presentation (and exactly what I want and whatever I perceive is correct ?or whatever i am presenting is truth, how much you are self conscious, ) many people lack in both so loose destiny.
    when initially I used to asked question to my students ” Why you choose nursing as profession”I used to get various answers ranging from social service to good dress but letter on I find them far away from their saying’s

    • mahesh chendake Says:

      many times jobs are already fixed and Hr Plays only a drama which gives real frustration.
      when for one post there are 100 and thousands application what poor HR will do?and to whom they will give justice?

      • mahesh chendake Says:

        but it is true we almost never get right person at right place and in right time and everywhere we see fiasco. No body is happy with any body.
        I do not put my demands to management and do job as they say so I am good and not promoted , the people who make organization unstable, their demands are fulfilled and they get promotion.
        appraisal proforma is another funny program which usually done without understanding objectives by both which also recommend for promotion.I never understand philosophy behind it. most of the time it is objective and depend on your present relationship with your “Boss” with all sense and not on your real work.

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