1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

Makarenko: the jewel of education January 2, 2008

 photo by axinia

If you have been visiting my blog for some time, you might have noticed that I am interested in various topics like spirituality, beauty, linguistics, politics, culture, business and poetry. But one of my biggest passions was still hidden from the all perwading Internet power: pedagogics.

Educating and actually upbringing the children seem to be one of the most important human activities, although little respected in many societies. I dream one day to dedicate my life fully to that fascinating and absolutely wonderful task.

Since my studies and early work experience I was keen on pedagogy in theory and practice. I studied the main schools and educational traditions and was able to try something out. And now I want to share with you the system that I like the most, the system that seem to me the most suitable for the generations to come.

My absolute favorite (unfortunately not widely known) is Makarekno School.

A major figure in the development of Soviet education, Makarenko (1888-1939) was especially influential in fighting for integrating democratic principles into education theory and practice. His numerous books, including his work, The Road to Life (An Epic of Education), the first volume being an absorbing chronicle of his years as director of the Gorky Colony for juvenile delinquents in the Ukraine in the 1920s.

What I relally love about Makarenko´s concept, is that in his work with homeless orphans and delinquents after the Russian Revolution, he encouraged children to take responsibility not just for themselves but, more importantly, for the good of the community as a whole.

As a theoretician, he rejected both anarchistic “free education” and biological determinist theories, instead building a system of “pedagogical logic”. Educational goals should change with society, be humanistic, and stress the power and creativity of the collective, according to Makarenko. He also felt strongly about the importance of the home learning environment.

One more fascinating aspect for me is that Makarenko was able to “translate” his experiences into captivating fictionalised books, an easy read for children and adults.

The feeling that I get from many modern educational systems is that they are too individualistic. They do enhance personal talents and capabilities, at the same time putting “the self” (meaning the ego) on the pedestal.

But the new time is coming, people are coming more closer together and they need some new collaboration and communication skills, some new approach to each other. And that is what Makarenko`s system is about. May be one day I will develop my own system, based on his one… Lets see… My passion for it is there!

LOVE, axinia


11 Responses to “Makarenko: the jewel of education”

  1. […] bookmarks tagged collective Makarenko: the jewel of education saved by 9 others     karishii93 bookmarked on 01/02/08 | […]

  2. radha Says:

    We share the same dream axinia:) Also, when i was at Uni i used to prefer the educational and pedagogical Russian movements because they are really deep and strong in their foundations. i heard about Makarenko, maybe its the good time for me to go thru his vision with more attention. Thanks a lot!

  3. axinia Says:

    oh, radha, it is like a balsam on my soul…lets do something together about it in the future! 🙂

  4. Boris from Austria Says:

    That sounds like good stuff to be actualy read.
    Is there an titles in German you know of?
    Hope you will fulfill your disire of developing your own Method of Education.
    Strangly enought, since I have failed to fully enjoy the education
    as an actr I always desired to come up with a method macing more sence than what I experienced.
    Take care, Boris

  5. axinia Says:

    I am glad you are interested in that. i will try to get one Makarenko book for you 🙂

  6. Francesca from Italy Says:

    Hi Axinia! I love Makarenko and your idea is great!!! My degree thesis is about him!!!! I’d really interested in speaking to you about this great pedagogist and to share with you my opinion about his method…if I can help you in realizing your dream…write to me whenever you want! kiss Francesca

  7. angie from Cuba Says:

    Holá Axinia, just now my workmate her in Cuba was playing a poem written by Michael Rosen. I told her that he is the son of my beloved tutor when I was studying for a teaching degree in the UK a long time ago. One time, when I was feeling down, he told me about Makarenko and his orphanage, school and work and learning environment. I always remembered it. Years later, I came to Cuba — where I now live work — translating not teaching — on a brigade, and at a teacher training college here, where students of 14/15 learn and study to teach at the same time (partly given the exit of teachers when the Revolution occurred, Makarenko’s name and method and philosophy came up again. Just thought to tell you that… to a better world, angie

  8. axinia Says:

    Hi, Angie!
    Do you mean there are schools like the one of Makarenko in Cuba? That would be very intresting…

  9. […] New Education – the methods and ways of educating a person of new era, spiritually equiped, highly developed personality, a human being of tomorrow (this part I loved the most, for the reasons given here). […]

  10. Dima Says:

    Dear Axinia,
    I Love teaching and I’m going to get an international diploma. So i hope, one day we will join forces and will do something interesting 🙂

    • axinia Says:

      thanks, Dima. I am already putting a team together 🙂
      I am sure with some motivated and willing people a wonderful work can be don in this field.

      Keep reading my blog, I am going to post something very intresting on this topic very soon!

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