1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

The Six Principles of Global Manipulation January 4, 2011

Filed under: thoughts — axinia @ 4:48 pm

This is a brilliant video and text to it- nothing really new for those who are interested but well summed up and easy to digest.

What is Globalization? 

In the 20th century the human race was confronted with such a natural phenomenon as globalization. Globalization can be defined as the process of concentration of power over all the mankind in one person or a small group. This process has been under way throughout the whole human history and is now near completion. Centuries ago Ancient Egyptian priests became aware that globalization can be controlled. They have worked out the overall principles and patterns of controlling society to achieve their own goals, and headed up this process. Let us take a look at how globalization process is being controlled now.

Principle 6. Weapon of War.

“War is the continuation of politics by other means”  Karl von Clausewitz

The oldest and fastest way of controlling people has always been the war. The object of any war is the conquest of territories, wealth, human resources or complete elimination of enemy. World history has witnessed a great number of brutal wars. Global evolution has been creating more and more elaborate and sophisticated weapons of destruction and enslavement. At present the human race has found itself trapped by the need to spend a constantly increasing amount of resources on the endless arms race. And ultimately it has created a weapon which along with the enemy can destroy the entire civilization.

Principle 5. Weapon of Genocide.

“All the crimes on Earth do not destroy so many of the human race, nor alienate so much property, as drunkenness” – Sir Francis Bacon

The next step in the process of globalization was the transition from “hot wars” waged by ordinary weapons to “cold wars” waged through the so called “cultural co-operation”. It’s possible to completely eliminate or subdue a whole nation to one’s own will by means of such genocide weapons as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, several types of vaccines and genetically modified foods. Yet to keep people unaware of the destructive nature of these weapons they have been disguised as superficially harmless means of relaxation, stress relief, amusement and acquiring immunity to disease. This idea is being inculcated in the minds through culture, mass media, and specially planted proverbs and tokens. In reality these substances are dangerous poisons undermining the genetics of the human species, destroying the human being both morally and physically, wiping out the existing and future generations. Russia annually loses more than 700 thousand human lives due to the effects of alcohol consumption only. Is it a conscious and free choice of every person? Negative! This is an artificial and false option imposed on us through culture. It suggests that from the very cradle a person is to pick either a lie number 1 – ‘take dope moderately’ or a lie number 2 – ‘take as much dope as you please’.

Principle 4. Economical.

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Globalizers see no point in destroying nations completely. They are better off leaving a part of the slaves’ population alive having subdued its economics to their narrow clannish interests, but also in such the manner that a nation hasn’t the slightest idea of what is really going on. This can be done through universal money and the institution of credit, by means of usurious interest rates that allow the bankers’ clans to receive skyrocketing profits from credit interest without creating any values for the society, while other people, their families, entire nations have to spend their lives paying off debt and essentially become slaves. The realization of this mechanism requires more time, because in the first place it is critical to instill the inconsistent economic science into the society. But the payoff is really huge. The reason is that regardless of whether people take credits or not, whether they understand these instruments or not, the whole society has practically fallen into economic dependence on a small social stratum of bankers and is now powering this system like batteries.

Principle 3. Factual.

“There are no facts, only interpretations”– Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

A whole nation or separate social classes can be ruled much more efficiently after being brainwashed with various ideologies, religious dogmas, sociological doctrines and mass media. Some are subconsciously inculcated with e.g. the theory of Karl Marx, the second with “Allah Akbar”, the third with “Christ is Risen”, the fourth with “Live Fast, Die Young”. And if need be at some point in time people start being collided by activation of inherent contradictions using some special techniques such as provocations, assassinations, scandalous news articles, caricatures or deliberate mistakes, which seem to be accidental from outside. For example, we are now witnessing the attempts to set the traditional Islam and Biblical Christianity against each other, despite the belief shared by quite a number of world religions that God, the Creator, the Almighty is One for all creatures of the Earth. One of the most powerful means for brainwashing is television. Despite common beliefs, the mass media are actually programming reality so as to form people’s attitudes to various events rather than reflecting the objective reality. Nowadays the terrorist attacks happen on such a scale only because they immediately get broadcasted on every TV channel. In this case the mass media essentially act as informational sponsors of terrorism, providing it with billion budgets and huge audience.

Principle 2. Chronological.

“Look behind in the past more often to avoid big mistakes in the future”– Kozma Prutkov

It is common knowledge that one who has forgotten the history of his Motherland is like a tree with no roots. But what would happen if a whole nation forgot its history or accepted some historical myth imposed on it by external hostile elements. To quote George Orwell, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past”. Rewriting of a nations history inevitably leads to alteration of its future. For this particular reason the arrival of a new regime has always been marked by the rewriting of history, though the rulers themselves have been unaware of being manipulated ‘blind’. This situation has showed up very clearly in the former soviet republics that have broken away from the USSR. Therefore one should always remember that history teaches nothing but only punishes for not learning its lessons.

Principle 1. Ideological (worldview).

“If you want to defeat your enemy bring up his children”– oriental wisdom

Conquest of a nation will become most steady, effective and almost irreversible if one manages to somehow alter its worldview nationwide, so that the nation willfully serves the interests of the invaders, considering them a part of their normal life. We can now see the mass media, movies, pop and film stars, trying to persuade us that alcohol, tobacco, drugs and sexual perversions are ‘normal’ phenomena of the modern Russian society. The perfect example of influence on a worldview is the India’s caste social system, whereby the transition from one caste to another is practically impossible. About 300 million of India’s population classified as the caste of “untouchables” or “little people” live in extreme poverty and believe it is their only possible mode of existence in the society. This example shows the extent to which a worldview can determine the lives of numerous generations over the course of history. Nowadays there are two main types of worldviews that dominate in the society: kaleidoscopic worldview is typical of the people who are unable to find their place in life within the endless flow of events. Every new event just creates more chaos in their perception of the world just like a new splinter of glass put into a kaleidoscope changes the whole picture. People with mosaic worldview perceive the world as whole and undivided, where everything is causally determined, and where accidental events can not exist. So any new fact or event contributes to this worldview making it clearer just like a new fragment added to a mosaic. Unfortunately the modern culture generates the predominance of kaleidoscopic worldview.

“This world a hollow pageant you should deem;
All wise men know things are not what they seem;
Be of good cheer, and drink, and so shake off
This vain illusion of a baseless dream”

 Omar Khayyam

Before now all of these control mechanisms have been concealed and known but to the few initiates. But today due to the effect of the objective law of time, all the secrets become known and anyone can find the truth if they wish. Now the very same obscure hand has revealed itself, as well as its master who once invented all of these mechanisms and would skillfully trigger them off in the course of the global historical process. Former society did not even have a term to describe the existence of such master. This objective social phenomenon has been termed as ‘conceptual power’ and the mechanisms of warfare and controlling the society were identified as the generalized instruments or principles of mass manipulation used by the conceptual power. When applied within a single frame of society they can be deemed as the generalized instruments of its control, but when exercised by one group against another – as the weapons, i.e. the means of warfare in most general sense.

Nowadays, the awareness of these mechanisms can enable a person to stand against the external impact of all the above principles. Besides they are given the conscious choice: either to stay a slave or set oneself free and become the Human Being.

Take from the Russian site Zakonvremeni. Текст и ролик на русском здесь.


25 Responses to “The Six Principles of Global Manipulation”

  1. gracierios Says:

    Very interesting.

  2. Terry Says:

    I hear all this stuff and while it seems compelling, the slave v. free conclusion rings false.

    There is a much more plausible explanation and solution offered by Krishna when he tells Arjuna that life is nothing more than the play of the three gunas. Be without the three gunas, Arjuna.

    In other words, establish yourself in pure consciousness and only then does one act without attachment to the fruits of action. That is the only freedom. And coincidentally it makes any six principles of material life that one can think of irrelevant.

    • axinia Says:

      Terry, you are totally right, it all starts from the fredom of the inner self/Spirit. But I guess for the people who are far from spirituality and seeking, it’s a good start at least to check the current state of being and the level of being manipulated… And may be to start seeking?

  3. swaps Says:

    I feel the enslavement is a global phenomenon, and not aimed against a particular nation…who doesnt like the finer things in life, higher and higher standard of living, traveling, shopping?

    It is no longer plain old human tendency to dominate others; it is ‘to live and let live’ or rather ‘to buy and let buy’. I heard somewhere that 50% of global population will be living in cities, then the distinction between the master and slave itself will vanish!!

    • axinia Says:

      swaps, i cananot see any correlation between living in the cities and the distinction between the master and slave – please extend. thanks!

      • I perfectly understand why you cannot see any correlation between the two, Axinia 🙂 To see it, one must COMPLETELY understand the filthy, putrid, sub-human social systems and practices of a turdy crap hole such as the sub-satanically evil Indian empire and its stinking, sewery caste system 😡


        • I forgot to add, there is a definitely discernible (even if not complete) correlation between the two as far as the putrid, sub-humanly evil Indian empire is concerned. I’m not sure if such a correlation exists in other countries, but I believe it does NOT exist in the civilised ones.

          But I guess the author is speaking of a different kind of distinction between master and slave. Whether one lives in the town or country, the new global masters seek to enslave ALL by their nefarious methods. The goons seem to be proud of being equal-opportunity enslavers. In fact, in such a scenario, I guess people who live in self-contained rural communities (in the civilised countries only) would have more means, resources and ability to resist becoming slaves, when compared to their urban counterparts.


          • swaps Says:

            Yeah, as Raj says (in his firebrand way 🙂 ) the rural folks have greater chance of resisting globalization, in fact, some villages here have resolved not to use anything from outside. (Can they refuse electricity too??)

            City dwellers dare not seek independence, for they are the synapses of globalization , living by and for mass production, hence too deeply interwoven into the fabric of global market forces. They may think of themselves as masters, commanding greater political and financial clout, yet they are victims of stress, uncertainty, poor social bonds, etc.

            So will we see a polarized world as H.G.Wells predicted in his novel ‘Time Machine’ – with the industrialized (living underground) and pastoral (living a simple life above). The prospect is too good to be true…the world is sold out to ever increasing prosperity.

            • Where are the villages that have refused to use outside things, Swaps? I haven’t heard of them before. They need not worry about refusing electricity, because they can generate their own electricity!!! 🙂 Electricity is too good a thing to live without.

              But I guess it’s nothing new when one considers the whole planet. The Amish people (among others) have been doing the same for centuries to this very day, and they are doing perfectly fine. Till now, that is.

              It isn’t surprising to know that the Amish are deliberately being targeted by the feral hordes in the District of Criminals, in order to beat them into submission and bring them under the satanising influence of the new global one world empire. What if non-Amish modern rural communities in America are influenced by the “primitive” Amish and decide to break away from the control of the feral hordes? The Amish, therefore, should be forcibly prevented from giving any ideas to others:



  4. nimirel Says:

    Globalization is the greatest reorganization of the world since the Industrial Revolution? The new, flat, tiny world where ‘the creation of a global fibre-optic network has made us all next-door neighbours’? Corporations no longer influence our laws — now, they write them?

    Has international trade indeed improved the lives of many across the world, bringing technology and knowledge to virtually every corner of the globe, and has raised many above the tyranny of backward and often repressive cultures?

    Twenty-first–century-style globalization, complex interaction of forces. Not only does it exhibit integration, it also exhibits disintegration. It is rooted in cooperation — but also in violence. Does it represent the triumph of free-market capitalism over communism, ushering in democracy, world peace and universal prosperity or conflict, unbridled greed, deregulated corporate power, and an utter disregard for humanity?
    Is the world already “flat” or still round:))) Is it possible that the ‘flatteners’ might be the ones disturbing the peace.
    The only thing for sure, it’s struggle for individuals, companies and nations to adjust and readjust!!!

  5. mahesh chendake Says:

    I dont see any adjustment. It is nothing but another slavery. may be with help of money,power,wine and woman. few are the masters and and they purposefully want be other should be slave by any mean. they are not leaving any alternative except acceptance of their ideas. even though understanding of theses phenomenon no one country can except and most importantly even I dont see any conscious efforts in that direction. It is free market with open economy of politicians,builders,gangsters and many more like corporate stake holders and i am sure they will land up to any country in same and such new slavery system including India.

  6. Let see the results:
    Social division and poverty have increased worldwide.
    The ecological abuse of this planet has past his critical point.

    Obviously we don’t talk about a global consciousness of our interactions as human, but about the subordination of the planet and humanity to careless speculation engines feeding the greed of a cynical power greedy minority and the delusion hopes of prosperity of a thoughtless middle class, who acts out later the role of the innocent victim , when reality cant be avoided any more.

  7. nimirel Says:

    Every time I use a car, bus, plane or anything made of plastic, I am using oil. Every time I use a credit card, I am dipping into the world’s lending market. The prices of the things I buy and sell are determined by competition from around the globe?

    Every person sitting in front of a computer is a peer and together they are creating the global digital society??? There is a growing interconnectedness between different societies as well as a greater desire to participate in a “world culture.” damn, how can I define the ‘world culture’ btw?

    Through a blog, a local issue can become a global one? Along the way they BLOGS like ‘1000petals’ become a reflection of this interconnectedness and an increasingly globalized world?

  8. Niki Says:

    Very interesting article and comments so far, and I have to agree with what many here said: money ‘might’ look great at first glance, but in recent years especially, I think it doesn’t take a genius to see that there really is something really *WRONG* going on in our world nowadays. and I also agree that many (or most) of the problems can seriously be traced down to those few minority of “Powers-that-be” whether it elitist governments, big (and tend to ‘corrupt’) corporations. And if you’ve researched further on the vast Net etc, you’ll even find out uglier yet interesting possibility of the ‘NWO (New World Order)’ that tries to CONTROL and dominate this world into their hand, by using tools of fears, mass-media, politics, economy, you name it.

    Still on the same topic, I think it’s worth mentioning: how many of you here have heard of the Zeitgeist Movement and Venus Project?
    Try to google it, and read as much information about these two.
    So far, I’ve read that many ‘real intellect, smart’ and GOOD (honest) individuals all seem to agree on these basically “Resource-based economy” system that’s being proposed. And that we should start spreading about them, so people (the ‘mass’) can start to ‘wake up’, realize, and NOT letting themselves be ‘brainwashed’, molded and controlled by those few Powers-that-be anymore, hence, Its influence will eventually weaken and replaced…by the brighter and FAIRER future for Humanity and planet Earth.

  9. nimirel Says:

    indeed…they are having their corporate structures rearrenged, and we are having ou minds rearranged;)
    we have to think about where and how we fit differenly than we did yesterday.
    the world changing, many of us feel the profound need to rethink who we are and find our role, our place of participation, our point of influence. we may feel driven by passion and pratical needs as part of urgent series of awakening events. to notice what our senses are telling us

    societies changing, perhaps seeming like ‘failing’, while at the same time individuals awakening to creative power, one at a time getting into the process of creation and change

  10. “WE? are “having” our minds rearranged?”

    No, thanks, I keep my mind!
    I am sorry, but I am fighting for the same ideas, I fought for decades ago.
    I blame all those who betrayed the spirit of change in the past to go back into some Petit bourgeois individualism for the evil WE face now as humanity.
    The problems are the same, only far worse through the organised brainwashed procrastination, the postmodern neoliberal backlash pushed us straight into the opposite direction of what was needed to be done.
    The global spirit is not an invention of those who abuse it for their marketing greed.It was a hope in many,and remain a need to call up NOW for a drastic change, if we as specie want to truly survive.

    It s not “nice”(nescius/ignorant), we are deeply in a globalised destructed mess up the nose,and changes will not fall from above,we have to fight for step by step each day and with solidarity.

  11. […] insight on education! January 6, 2011 Filed under: thoughts — axinia @ 3:55 pm The video is my previous post was showing severe problems the global society is facing,  and here comes  one of the solutions. […]

  12. I must say I’m quite pleasantly surprised by this post, Axinia 😉 I can understand an undesirable one like me liking such a topic, but for someone like you who only sees the world while wearing rose-tinted glasses??? 😕

    I agree with large parts of the article, though not with all 😐

    At present the human race has found itself trapped by the need to spend a constantly increasing amount of resources on the endless arms race.

    Not quite!!! In fact, many civilised countries are realising the sheer futility on spending on weapons of destruction and are CUTTING BACK on arms and defence spending on an unimaginable scale, despite having to face huge pressure not to do so. But civilised people, since they are civilised, will proceed on a progressive path. Economic crises or not, the decision by many civilised countries to cut back on arms spending shows the advanced civilisational nature of some sections of the human race.

    In sharp contrast, we have the sub-human hordes belonging to the satanically evil crap holes and filthy empires that pass off as “countries”. Their destructive budget is ALWAYS on a exponential growth scale, EVEN if hordes and hordes of the savages who (over)populate such crap holes are on the brink of starvation. Being sub-human creatures, the savages cannot let go of their sadistic thirst to kill and drink human blood. A perfect example is the sewery shit pit of a sub-satanically evil Indian empire. The low-IQed sadistic scum beings who run this filthy empire keep diverting a huge proportion of the empire’s taxes on buying weapons of destruction (not to forget the gigantic “cuts” they receive on each and every “defence deal”) and on paying off the hordes of rabid, semi-literate mercenary dogs to keep the peoples of the occupied and brutalised nations of the evil Indian empire (such as Kashmir, Nagalim, Manipur, Asom etc. etc.) in a dehumanised and perpetually oppressed state.

    As always, the civilised peoples and the sub-human hordes behave in such a starkly contrasting manner that one keeps wondering if they belong to the same species.

    One of the most powerful means for brainwashing is television. Despite common beliefs, the mass media are actually programming reality so as to form people’s attitudes to various events rather than reflecting the objective reality.

    Agreed!!! After I stopped watching the so-called “news” on the idiot box, I felt as if I was leaving behind a world of brainwashed ignorance. Anyways, 90% of the so-called “news” given out by the controlled “mainstream media” creatures are nothing but spun-around crap, half-truths and plain lies 😡 I’ve even stopped my television subscription 😐 The level of addiction to the idiot box I see around me is very unfortunate 😦

    For this particular reason the arrival of a new regime has always been marked by the rewriting of history, though the rulers themselves have been unaware of being manipulated ‘blind’. This situation has showed up very clearly in the former soviet republics that have broken away from the USSR.

    I guess the author must be another nostalgic Soviet who cannot get over the fact that his beloved commie empire is no more 😐

    The “former soviet republics” did not “break away” from the USSR. They were all nations and peoples who were OCCUPIED and ENSLAVED by the artificial, unnatural entity called the Soviet Union, some by hook, some by crook and some others by brute force. The Soviet Union was a transnational empire that maintained its hold by the totalitarian ideas of communism and brutally & savagely crushing any dissent, small or big.

    In fact, the USSR is a perfect example of the very same globalisation (that the author despises so much) but one that was geographically limited to the the territory of the CCCP and its sidekicks in the Eastern Bloc. The Soviet regimes once even had an idea or dream of transforming the Homo sapiens they had enslaved into Homo sovieticus, didn’t they???

    Predictably, the USSR met the same fate as all evil empires whose crimes against the peoples of nations under their occupation eventually come back to haunt them. All empires, however powerful, mighty or evil they may be, ultimately have to collapse upon themselves and get thrown into the dust-bins of history where they belong. True nations and the very, very rare, truly trans-national confederations (Switzerland) will endure the tests of history, time and a changing world. All empires (especially the filthy, sub-humanly evil ones) will get to occupy their deserved places in the putrid trash cans and sewers.


  13. The perfect example of influence on a worldview is the India’s caste social system, whereby the transition from one caste to another is practically impossible. About 300 million of India’s population classified as the caste of “untouchables” or “little people” live in extreme poverty and believe it is their only possible mode of existence in the society. This example shows the extent to which a worldview can determine the lives of numerous generations over the course of history.

    BRAVO!!! 🙂

    I’m delighted that not everyone is gullible and naive enough to fall for the big blatant lies dished out by the sadistic, primitive, pea-brained, low-IQed hindoid hordes and the scum beings in the pay of the satanic Indian empire – the sordid lies that attempt to pass off the universe’s most stinking “culture” and most sub-human systems such as the sewery caste system of the hindoid lowlives as something of a “great cultural practice” from a supposedly “spiritual” land 🙄

    I’m glad to learn there are people willing to see despicable sub-humanism and rotten uncouthness for what it is and call it the same 🙂

    However, it was not exactly a “worldview” that led to such a satanic state of affairs. It was the poison inculcated by the most uncouth and sub-human religion in the world (i.e. Hinduism) which is just another name for the collective unit consisting of the sewery caste system along with all other sub-human practices.

    Having said that, it also seems to be a “cultural” thing, apart from being a “religious” one. Many hindoid savages in general, even if they practice religions that strongly oppose and condemn the uncouthness of the filthy caste system, are infected by the sub-human mindset of the sewery caste system. Even sections of the hindoid hordes (not Hindus) who practice religions like Islam and Christianity which originate outside the rotten Indian sub-continent have some form of caste-based discrimination within themselves. Of course, the discrimination may not be as filthy, sadistic and sub-human as it is in uncouth Hinduism, but it is quite disgusting to know that the despicable stench of the putrid caste system can even override (to an extent) the egalitarian principles of such religions.

    I’ve never seen untouchables being translated as “little people” before. “Crushed people”, “broken people” or “oppressed people” sounds more accurate. The author must have used the term due to the complexities of translation, especially into languages where such words simply do not exist due to the absence of such filthy “cultural” concepts.

    Overall, kudos to the author(s) for understanding the stench, filth, uncouthness and sheer sub-humanism of the sewery caste system!


    • axinia Says:

      Raj, I knew you will like this piece in particular 🙂

      • Of course, I would 😉 But not only that, it has several other gems too, that the sheeple don’t have the slighest clue about, like:

        “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild”

        This can be done through universal money and the institution of credit, by means of usurious interest rates that allow the bankers’ clans to receive skyrocketing profits from credit interest without creating any values for the society, while other people, their families, entire nations have to spend their lives paying off debt and essentially become slaves.

        Let’s not forget the quote attributed to the wife of the above mentioned person, “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”

        Debt slavery takes place so clandestinely that the sheeple would never be able to learn about it, certainly not from the controlled “mainstream media” goons. Even in times of crises arising out of exploding debt slavery, the sheeple are in such a brainwashed state that they immediately brand those in the know of things as “conspiracy theorists”, “crackers and nuts on the fringe” etc. The hopeless sheeple 😦

        But more and more sheeple are curing themselves (I was a member of the sheeple hordes not too long ago) of their sheeploriasis, thanks to the transformative power and open nature of the internet. It truly is the best device ever to have been invented that is acting as a tool of collective consciousness. No wonder, almost every putrid turd world empire/cess pit as well as the satanist “elite” hordes are trying every trick in the book to either completely shut down the internet or control it by any means and turn it into a tool of rabid brainwashing, like the idiot box.

        It’s possible to completely eliminate or subdue a whole nation to one’s own will by means of such genocide weapons as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, several types of vaccines and genetically modified foods.

        While filthy GM foods and many notorious vaccines (H1N1 vaccine, anyone?) are often forced upon the sheeple, they still have a slight chance to resist them, like the Europeans have shown, with their steadfast fight against the poisonous crap of GM food and exposing the “swine flu vaccine”.

        While it is not the same about tobacco, alcohol and drugs! People still take them and get addicted to them of their OWN FREE WILL. While the free will is being deliberately weakened by the “mainstream media” scum, lowlife film stars who are drunkards, drug addicts and chain smokers (both in real life and on screen) etc., no one is forcing a person to become an addict, not when it comes to tobacco and alcohol. It is the weakness of one’s own free will that leads a person into such an addiction.

        Russians have only themselves to blame if they are drowning themselves in alcohol and Americans have only themselves to blame when they get hopelessly get addicted to drugs (both vile narcotics and the so-called anti-depressants) 😐

        It cannot be compared in any way to the heinous crime of genocide that is almost second nature to the sub-satanically evil turd world shit pits and the lowlife scum that inhabit such sewers. Slow collective suicide induced by the weakening of one’s own free will by substance addiction is by no means even a quarter as evil 👿 as deliberate genocide that the filthy, demonic, extremely low-IQed, sadistic, bloodthirsty, turd world sub-humans practice on such a regular scale 😡


        • axinia Says:

          Raj, all tipes of genocide are horrid, and “slow kililng” is actually very sly and weaked because is destroying on the genetic level, for ages ahed.

  14. The countryside gets destroyed out of some resource speculation greed.
    I see the bushes disappear in front of me for “bigger fields” for “bigger engines” for “bigger profits” , who will lead in soon to “bigger soil erosion” and “bigger pollution” in the water, and “bigger weather effects” on the landscapes who got transformed into production factory’s.
    To care about malnutrition…get real, and look how the greed of the stock market creates hunger and destruction .

    Local ecological and social fair production of energy (electricity) is possible with low cost solutions.But, the last decades show who does not want it, even if they use environment friendly projects to hide the old system perpetuating himself in a disastrous manner.

  15. eugene Says:

    Не знаю, как и прокомментировать. Шок! Факты, на которых основан сюжет видеоролика сомнению не подлежат, но возможно выводы сделанные сценаристом ошибочны. Надеюсь, что драматизм ситуации преувеличен. Иначе, перспектива нашей цивилизации очень пессимистическая… Что ж, предупреждён – значит вооружен. Спасибо за то, что информируете. Об этом должно знать, как можно больше людей.

  16. Bongstar420 Says:

    Wow! There is whole lot of flaming and misconceptions in here. Both are counterproductive

    How do you propose to get these “sheeple” to see things your way? They are born to follow are they not? What about you, born to be independent? If not, why you and not them in reversed positions? Is not this “genocide” you speak of the movement from one set of gene frequencies to another based on the assumptions of inherited behavioral tendencies (agressive dads produce more agressive sons then passive ones for instance)? Dogs are a good example of this as wild dogs are much more aggresive then your average domesticated version. Would not a population low in “sheeple” require shifting away from genes that produce a tendency to follow?

    Why is genetically modifying a organism bad if it is done in a lab with synthetic recombinant techniques but it is ok if it is done in the field with sex? Why is it OK for the blind environment to commit serial “genocide” over 100’s of millions of years but it is wrong for us to do it consciously to ourselves?

    After observing people in my immediate environment, I expect for things to be the way they are. We descended from foolish brutes. What do you expect? Our ancestors were killing each other over which authority figure to worship 10-20 generations in the making for sure. Slavery was considered OK..

    Things are “wrong” because I do not find them to be beneficial to my fitness in one way or another. Whether I am correct or not cannot be know with absolute certainty to me or anyone else though we can say it for right or wrong. The same goes for you, and we may not be compatible. This is not our choice. A mountain lion cannot simply choose to live as a goat. It may be possible over a long time with substantial suffering and death, but that choice cannot simply be made by the mountain lion to live as a goat without suffering and death. Even if we could “wake up” the mountain lion and give it a choice to receive a retrovirus that would enable a goats life with no suffering, it would not occur with out some amount of time, suffering, and death preceding that choice. These “evil” people you speak of appear to me to be the mountain lion. They are mountain lions living in herds of sheep doing what mountain lions are good at- eating. While these “evil” people may be “awake” they are non the less predators and are as such born in that condition. Make any animal do something other then what it is born to do and you will find suffering. Do you expect these predators to suffer just so the sheep can have a few extra years, a couple more playmates, and a bigger field to play in?


    If you ask me, their genes must be dealt with azone way or another.

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