1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

The soul speaking with nature October 19, 2009

(Tana:  The soul speaking with nature.)

Little dandelions, what are you doing here?
–We reflect on earth the stars in the heavens.

Little pool, why is your water so muddy?
–Because of my narrow mind and depthless heart.

Coal, what makes you so black?
–I am the evil of the ages accumulated in the heart of the earth.
What is your penalty?
–I must pass through a trial by fire.
What becomes of you in the end?
–I turn into a diamond.

Earth, to the clouds:–Why did you come back after once you had deserted me?
–The heavens would not have us before we had reconciled ourselves with you.

Little rosebud, what do you hold between your hands? –The secret of my beauty.

Sunflower, what are you?
–I am the eye of the seeker who searches for the light.


Hazrat Inayath Khan (1882-1927), a Sufi Saint

(image by me)


14 Responses to “The soul speaking with nature”

  1. I have always been amazed by the Sunflowers. We generally do not associate motion with plants, but this one is happy to be moving in the direction of the sun (atleast the flowers) which means even the plants have life and senses. Maybe even soul.

    Destination Infinity

  2. Sunflower, what are you?
    –I am the eye of the seeker who searches for the light.

    Is the sunflower plant also capable of appreciating the so-called “beauty” then 😕


    • axinia Says:

      plants are defientely sensitive to many things, that has been proven in the begining of the 20th century, you know. Like, if somebody was killed in a room, the plants die after this.
      Becuse they are sensitive to the egergy. But they are not sensitive to the asthetics in the sense people are.

      • I’m baffled why you don’t consider plants (and more importantly, animals) to be capable of appreciating the so-called “beauty”, Axinia 😦

        Even without having sense organs to detect things (like animals), plants are certainly capable of detecting and responding to the so-called “beauty”:

        Studies have shown that plants seem to grow better if they are talked to. But plants don’t have sound receptors or nervous systems, so scientists know that plants aren’t responding to the specific words people say. What could it be, then?

        When you talk, you breathe out carbon dioxide and water vapor, two things that plants need to grow. And sound waves from your voice cause plant cells to vibrate. Experiments have shown that certain types and strengths of sound can cause plants to grow better-or worse-than usual. Plants exposed to classical music, for instance, grew thick, healthy leaves and developed good roots. Jazz had the same beneficial effect. Plants exposed to country music had normal growth. But those that were exposed to rock music did very poorly. Their root development was so terrible that the plants began to die.

        Amazing, isn’t it? 🙂

  3. swaps Says:

    Coal, what makes you so black?
    –I am the evil of the ages accumulated in the heart of the earth.

    Such prophetic words!!

  4. Princess Says:

    you have the knack of finding and sharing beautiful things

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