1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

A free store – New ways of crisis economy? March 30, 2009

I am always glad to hear about things that support my idealistic idea of another world – a world without greed and materialistic manipulations.

Recently a shop opened in New York (a stone’s throw from Ground Zero) where nothing is for sale and everything is for free! The store was founded by local artists Athena Robles and Anna Stein, who set it up with a $9,000 grant from a cultural organisation and the September 11 fund.

There’s only one ‘rule’, which is that customers should only take what they need (brilliant condition!!). Passers by have been spotted carrying off all manner of items, from DVDs and posters to stained glass ceiling fittings and children’s clothes. For more impressions and details read the GUARDIAN report here.

 (Photograph: Frederic Lafargue/Rapport)

Let’s see how long this idea will work and if something similar will be found elsewhere in the word – or may be even it would become a trend?

LOVE, axinia