1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

What’s your strongest quality? September 26, 2013

Filed under: thoughts — axinia @ 11:31 am
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Can we describe ourselves in one word? Normally it’s not easy. We think we possess many various qualities. However often people while giving  a reference on us, use only one or two words . It means there is one powerful personality trait which we should know about ourselves. It may not be what others think of us, but ideally it should correlate with the general opinion.

When I introspect on my strongest quality, several things come to my mind. And if I have to decide on only one, this is what comes up:

I do not have double standards an I am always the same – in every situation, with each and every person I behave the same way. I have same love and respect both for nice, positive people and for the negative ones, I treat a beggar and an oligarch with the same attitude, despite any set up. Is this sincerity? Or unconditional acceptance? I don’t know how to name this quality but this is what I believe is my strongest personality trait. Hopefully this is also what others see as my strongest trait as well.

And yours? Looking forward to read about your stongest qualties!

Thanks and loads of love,
